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Доступно в Just Dance 4 (DLC)
Just Dance Now
Just Dance Unlimited
Исполнитель Marina and the Diamonds
Из фильма
Год выпуска песни 2012
Дата выхода танца April 2, 2013 (JD4)
Сложность 2
Кол-во золотых движений 3
Кол-во "трясущихся" движений
Пол(ы) танцоров
Альтернативные версии
Режим Соло
Цвет в меню
Цвет пиктограмм Sepia Skin
Цвет перчатки Brilliant Rose
Подсветка слов Electric Violet
Кол-во пиктограмм 171
Калорий сжигаемо (кКал)
Кодовое название PrimaDonna
Танцор Laura Ferretti

"Primadonna" by Marina and the Diamonds is featured on Just Dance 4 as a DLC, Just Dance Now, and Just Dance Unlimited

Appearance of the Dancer

Primadonna coach 1 big

The coach is shown to be a princess figure. She is wearing an orange short princess dress with vulturous orange ruffles. Her hair is put up in high hair and curls with a tiara. The coach also wears a necklace with a pink gemstone, two light green ribbons, dark purple tights, a garter, and red mid-high heels. Her glow is blue and her glove is hot pink.


The routine takes place in front of a giant purple chandelier, which sways and glistens during the routine. In the second part of the verses, it disappears and when the dancer points to the sides, a series of lavish luxuries, such as a present, a ring and perfume, appear.

Gold Moves

There are 3 Gold Moves in this routine:
Gold Moves 1 and 2: Put your hands in the air in a noble way.
Gold Move 3: Right after the coach runs close to the end, points your hands to the sides and lean forward.


  • This is the second song by Marina and the Diamonds in the series, after Oh No!
    • However, this song is the only one to be a DLC.
  • Along with Baby Girl and Die Young, this song is one of the final DLCs to be released for Just Dance 4.
    • Also, along with the same two songs, this song was accidentally released for a brief amount of time on the PlayStation Network during late-March 2012 for Just Dance 4.
  • This is the only April DLC for Just Dance 4 that hasn't been recycled.
  • In the Just Dance Unlimited and Just Dance Now menu, the song's title is shown as PrimaDonna instead of Primadonna.
  • On Just Dance Unlimited, there was a glitch with this song; after playing the song, the avatar wouldn't get unlocked. This was later fixed.
    • This also occurred to Miss Understood’s avatar on Just Dance Unlimited, as the avatar did not get unlocked after playing the song either.
  • If you look closely at some pictograms, you can notice that they have a very small grey pixel on one of their arms.




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